If you are a current VCP510, VCP510PSE or VCI510 you can use the “Delta Recertification Exam” offer to renew your VCP5-DCV credentials.
But decide quickly as you have to pass the exam until November 30, 2014!
Advantages of this exam are:
- based only on new material between vSphere 5.0/5.1 and vSphere 5.5 exams
- you take the exam online from any location – no need to go to a Pearson VUE testing center
- attractive price – costs about 120 US-Dollar
The exam consists of 65 questions and 8 pre-exam survey questions – you have to reach a passing score of 300.
Time limit is 75 minutes (+30 additional minutes if you live in a country where English is not a primary language).
Here you can find more information about the VCP550D exam:
VCP5-DCV Delta Recertification Exam
Exam Blueprint
Request Authorization
Free 1-hour online course
Ready to register? Go to Pearsonvue.com and take your exam VCP550D!
Good luck