Only a short reminder that there are only 8 days left to pass the VCPD550 delta recertification exam.
If you have a valid VCP5-DCV certification you can use this delta exam to renew your credentials. I passed the exam today, most questions were easy – but you have to read the questions and answers very carefully.
So if you have to renew your VCP in the next months you should use the chance to do it this way.
The advantages of this exam are:
- you can take it online from any location – no need to visit a Pearson VUE testing center
- favorable price: exam costs about 120 US-Dollar/90 Euro
- you extend your VCP cert for two more years (VMware VCP Recertification Policy)
Interested? Take a look at these links and pass the exam:
- read what VMware writes about the VCP5-DCV Delta Recertification Exam
- then download the Exam Blueprint (pdf file)
- invest one hour in the Free online course to prepare for the exam: What’s new fundamentals of V5.5
- ready to pass the Exam? Here you can request authorization
- and here you can register: -> select exam VCP550D
Want 50% off your VCP-NV exam?
Today I noticed this tweet from Paul (@PaulPMeehan) – with a code to save 50% until June 30th for your VCP-NV exam:
Great deal – if you register give the code “VCPNV50” a try!