Veeam Backup Service starts and then immediately stops

After a crash of the Operating System or after restoring a Veeam Configuration Database Backup file “Veeam Backup Service” is not able to start.

In this case, a lock in the database may cause the issue.

To delete the lock, open a command prompt with administrator privileges. Then connect to your database using the osql command:

osql -S VeeamServer\VEEAMSQL2016 -E -d VeeamBackup

VeeamServer = Server name | VeeamSQL2016 = Instance name | VeeamBackup = database name

When connected, use the following commands to get rid of the locks:

DELETE from [dbo].[Options] WHERE name = ‘lock_info’

osql to delete filelock

Now the “Veeam Backup Service” should be able to start successfully.

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