If you are missing the Hardware Status Tab in your vCenter just check your plugins (vCenter – Plug-ins – Manage Plug-ins). It is probable that the vCenter Service Status plugin and the vCenter Hardware Status plugin is disabled:
“The following error occured while downloading the script plugin from …:8443/health-ui/
Just right-click the plug-ins and select “enable”
If it is still not working check this:
- ensure that all services required for vCenter are up and running
- ensure that your DNS resolution is working properly
- ensure TCP port 8443 is open from your vCenter Server to the vSphere Client
- ensure that your Internet Explorer is enabled to allow scripting
Hi Andreas,
Hopefully you can assist me. I just installed VCSA 6 and once logged in I get NO configuration tabs like Licences and storage. The general screen only gives me basic access, networking and admin password change with no management options.
Yes, both my ESXI servers and DNS works with the records created for vCenter.
By the way, The only browser I was able to run was Firefox but I have a feeling it’s a compatibility issue.
What’s you thoughts?
Awesome site
Thanks Dan
Thank’s man. You realy help!