VMWare converter error at 97 percent during p2v

During a p2v operation the VMWare converter stops at 97 percent with the following error messages:

In the logs there is also the following entry:

‘App’ 3760 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiReconfigTask::task{17}
‘P2V’ 3760 error] [task,295] Task failed: P2VError UNKNOWN_METHOD_FAULT(sysimage.fault.ReconfigFault)
‘P2V’ 3760 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Failure requested ‘P2V’ 3760 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded



If this error occurs, the virtual machine image was created pretty sure clean, the error happened at the last step during configuration.

First you need to attach the virtual hard drives of the affected virtual machine to a working VM as an additional hard drive and run check disk.

After check disk disconnect the disks from the working VM.

As last step use VMWare Converter again to reconvert the affected VM to a new one. This time, the process should be completed clean and the machine should be powered on without problems.


  1. Sazzad


    Could you please describe following terms::

    “”First you need to attach the virtual hard drives of the affected virtual machine to a working VM as an additional hard drive and run check disk.

    After check disk disconnect the disks from the working VM.””

    I am facing same problem that you are facing.

    Please resond me as soon as possible!

  2. Andreas

    Hi Sazzad,

    you need a working VM. Now add the harddisks of the affected to this working VM (Virtual Machines Properties – Add – Hard Disk – select the harddisks).

    Log on to the working VM and run Chkdsk at the affected Disks

    Then you can remove the disks from the working VMs and try to start the affected VM.

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